How do people travel in Asian Cities?

Sudhir Gota

In order to answer this question, i have categorized cities based on trip mode share. Trip mode share alone does not really give true picture for sustainable transport. But, it’s an important indicator which determines as to how people use different modes. Using the data from various sources and combining public transport and non motorized trip mode share information, I have generated this map.

The classification is

1.        “cycle” – represent cities which has more than 75% of  trips being made by bus, metro, cycles and walking

2.       question mark – “?” - represent cities which have 50 to 75% of trips being made by bus, metro, cycle and walking. This means that private transport modes are increasing in numbers and rival sustainable transport modes.

3.       “Car” – represent cities having more than 50% of trips being made by private modes such as two wheelers, cars, taxis etc.

The 2000-2010 data has been used to generate this map.

View Trip Mode Share (PT + NMT) in a larger map